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Best videography services in Delhi

Exciting and engaging videos are the way to go nowadays. People on every social media platform respond more to video content than other static posts. Multiplat Systems, a video production company in Delhi NCR, provides the best videography services and is a well-known digital marketing agency. Among the best video production companies in Delhi NCR, Multiplat Systems offers an unmatched videography service making promotional videos, animated videos, and many more product videos.


Videography for products on ecommerce is a fast-growing trend. Brands widely use it to spread awareness and increase engagement in their online presence. Video posts tend to attract larger amounts of people from various platforms as compared to usual static posts. People tend to resonate and react more to product videos than product photographs.


Our team of young, enthusiastic professionals spends quality time and resources to get a thorough understanding of our clients to exceed their expectations. Our client testimonials also favor the same.


There are various types of product videography that we offer and are explained below.

Types Of Product Videography Offered

Animation videos or cartoon videos: Animated or cartoon-like product videos go well with most types of brands and products. This is a good form of product videography. This gives one the ability to create a character that acts as a mascot and further helps distinguish your product from the competition.


Also, this product videography method helps brands put the humor factor in their posts, which keeps the viewers engaged. And the more engaged the viewers are, the more beneficial it is for your brands.

Also, in case of services to be promoted online or for brands that do not have a physical product or only have a prototype ready, such animated videos and cartoon-like videos can be used effectively to drive results


3D Videos: 3D product videos are more attractive than any other type of product video. This is because 3D videos are made to be more engaging than traditional videos. Given the ability to capture and display every angle of a product in an appealing way, 3D product videos are a perfect fit for displaying the usage of products. 3D videos give us the flexibility to clearly explain and show how their products work.


Also, 3D videos are relatively cheaper than traditional videos as there are no production costs or other related costs present with conventional video types.


Demonstration Videos: Demonstration product videos or demo product videos are a prevalent form of product videography. The product’s different features are highlighted in such product videography, and how the product is to be used is conveyed to the viewers. These videos are most suitable for innovative or hard-to-explain products because still, posts are not sufficient for them.


This is a suitable method of promoting products and services because people tend to react better and resonate more with videos when compared to still posts.

Being innovative with product demonstration videos can help a brand convey its messages to its viewers, which are not possible using any other means.


Screen Capture Videos: As the name suggests, these are videos made by screen capturing. These videos work best with online products and services, like websites, web apps, and software programs. Such tapes are most suitable when something is explained step by step or a teaser of an upcoming product or service is to be released.

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MultiPlat Systems is an all-in-one web solutions firm, that has established a name for itself in the Information & Technology sector in a very short period of time. We employ a unique perspective and innovative practices to multitudes of IT solutions, that reaffirms our creativity and our capabilities to effectively deliver high-quality projects. 

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